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Trump invites a who's who of far right internet stars to WH online censorship forum
(07-12-2019, 01:03 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Trump accused social media companies of "tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression" and announced an event at the WH today that would "bring together digital leaders for a robust conversation on the opportunities and challenges of today's online environment."

These digital leaders ended up being far right social internet personalities, a failed musician, and conspiracy theorists. The guy who runs Gateway Pundit was there. James O'Keefe was there and got a Trump shout out for defending Roy Moore. A Qanon peddling radio host who made up rumors about Mayor Pete sexually assaulting someone came. There was also the guy who lied about Kamala Harris' background that an admin here recently posted as fact. There was the founder of a pro conservative medis group who once called Obama a "ghetto crackhead" on Sean Hannity. There was some guy who started a Students for Trump group that was arrested 2 months ago for fraud and falsely posing as a laywer. A guy who was fired from Buzzfeed for plagiarizing 40 stories was there. A twitter meme account was invited. There was even some guy named Carpe Donktum who makes Trump memes and goes on Infowars. Like Trump said, Digital Leaders.

The summit was allegedly light on substance and began with Kelly Anne giving an interview to youtubers Diamond and Silk, something one attendee told the press was mostly an "unintelligible rant". Trump later spoke but apparently was mostly bragging about his social media presence. He claimed twitter purposefully keeps his follower numbers low and spoke about random things like the census and Scooter Libby.

After the event, Trump invited these "digital leaders" to the Rose Garden as he gave a press conference regarding the census. At one point some of the guests started throwing insults back and forth with a reporter from Playboy, eventually leading to former WH advisor and supporter of neo-nazi militias Sebastian Gorka to call the reporter a punk.

Soon after Joy Villa, the woman known for wearing MAGA dresses to the Grammy's, approached the press. Before she wore MAGA dresses, she was known for wearing dresses that exposed her almost entirely naked body as an attempt to jump start he career. She called herself a citizen journalist and said the media needs to stop with the fakes news. The same reporter asked her how many copy editors she had and said she wasn't a journalist, just a citizen with a voice.

All in all a solid event that was not beneath the office of the President.

Way to bury the lead. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Trump invites a who's who of far right internet stars to WH online censorship forum - bfine32 - 07-12-2019, 08:40 PM

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