Poll: What is your level of concern over the POTUS's mental state?
Not concerned at all. He's sharp as a tack!
Not too concerned. We all have bad days, right?
A little concerned. Still in "Wait-and-See" mode.
Highly concerned. Really worried about what reality he is in.
Good Lord, man! And this dude has the nuclear "football"?!?!?!
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Concern over the Mental State of the POTUS
(07-05-2019, 09:06 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: Interesting. No one has checked the middle choice so far. Sort of a microcosm of society, eh.

I'm not in "wait and see" mode, I know he's an idiot, so I can't choose the middle. He's an idiot, so it's not a "bad day". At the end of the day his power is checked, so I am not "highly concerned" either. Then the other two answers are extremes. I think the answers probably could have done without the secondary descriptor. 

I'm not concerned, but it's not because he's not an idiot. I knew that heading into the 2016 election, which is why I didn't vote for him. I just believe that when it comes down to it, there's too much keeping him from F'ing things up too much, be it Congress or Courts.

We've had 45 Presidents so far in this country, and not all of them have been good. The only difference is that now we have social media to obsess over day and night, 24/7, so there's no cooldown period. We also as a society have very few things we REALLY have to worry about. There are $1 hamburgers on every corner, we have high speed internet all over the place, there are plenty of jobs around, the amount of people doing hard labor for their job is really low, most people have air conditioners and heaters, you can go online and listen to thousands of hours of free music, watch thousands of hours of TV and Movies. There's just not a true abundance of life hardships to worry about, so the ones we do have left are seemingly getting magnified, and some others that don't really exist are being searched for.

Grant for example was a known drunkard. A drunkard had the power of the nation. Can you imagine if he had 24/7 access to Twitter and Facebook? Sure they didn't have nukes then, but the nation had still weathered crap Presidents before, and it will do it again. 

I think I remember seeing Hollo say something in another thread about how now he sees the American flag and is ashamed now or something along those lines. I didn't say anything, but I thought it was a silly thing to say. Trump will be around for 4-8 years, and then there will be a new President. Connecting Trump to the American flag is a really weird decision. How can a guy who's been in charge for 2.5 out of 243 years change your opinion on the country? If that's the case, you never really liked this country in the first place, because Trump certainly isn't the country and he isn't the flag. 

There's only two ways this can go. Either people can calm the hell down and save their outrage until there's something actually outrage worthy, or we can just continue to escalate our outrage society until it collapses. That's the more concerning thing to me than some idiot who will be gone in 1.5-5.5 more years.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: Concern over the Mental State of the POTUS - TheLeonardLeap - 07-23-2019, 11:21 PM

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