Poll: What is your level of concern over the POTUS's mental state?
Not concerned at all. He's sharp as a tack!
Not too concerned. We all have bad days, right?
A little concerned. Still in "Wait-and-See" mode.
Highly concerned. Really worried about what reality he is in.
Good Lord, man! And this dude has the nuclear "football"?!?!?!
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Concern over the Mental State of the POTUS
(07-24-2019, 12:27 AM)hollodero Wrote: Hey... Wink First of all, I sure didn't say "ashamed".

As to what I said, it sure was something intended to illustrate how sad Trump makes me because I like the US - maybe "never really" (but I don't have to). He is a bit of a badge of shame for the nation. To a foreigner, at least.
And why he made me change my mind so easily is that I would never have thought such a travesty of a presidency possible. And that this guy actually can get elected. Yeah that was a pretty mind-altering shock and that sure is a consequence of my distanced view.

And you probably had your past bad presidents in way worse times. Doesn't make the current one better. And if the effects I'm afraid of just go away so easily, I have my doubts about that.

Sorry, not ashamed, the actual quote was
Quote:"These days, I see this flag and start feeling disgust."

If the Germans can go from Hitler and the Nazi Party to leading the EU, why would you have any doubts? That is literally the biggest jump from one extreme to the other. 

People like to throw around "Hitler" and "concentration camp" terms in hyperbole about Trump, but we're talking about actual literal Hitler and concentration camps... and now the country he led is leading the second largest economy in the world (if you count the EU as one economy) by everyone else's willingness to allow them to. People like to pretend that all thing happening here and now are historic and will go down in the books but in the end very little of it honestly matters or will make a lasting impact on a country's story.

Less than a week ago, the NYT ran an article about how the Soviets "won the space race for equality", ignoring the millions of people who died in gulags and the millions more killed in famines (some intentional famine). They sent a lady into space first, though, so now in 2019 that is apparently the more important thing. In 2030, 2040, there's a solid chance that nobody will give a damn about what a shitty President tweeted 12-22 years ago.

At the end of the day, we're still the most powerful, most influential, and most free nation in the world. Your country of Australia ( Ninja ) didn't legalize gay marriage until December 2017, 13 years after the US first started legalizing it. When the next US President comes into power in 1.5-5.5 years, Trump will be gone and the US will still be here, just as powerful and free, and all of this that seemed so important and so outraging will begin drifting away from memory to make space for the new "important" and "outraging" stuff of the future.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: Concern over the Mental State of the POTUS - TheLeonardLeap - 07-24-2019, 01:44 AM

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