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Nearly 30 dead as multiple mass shootings hit across the US
A few thoughts I had yesterday on all this:

I always maintained that if you told me every man who committed a sexual crime watched porn I wouldn't be surprised but if you told me every man who watched porn committed a sexual crime I'd know you were a liar.  In other words people are attracted to what they already are.

The El Paso shooter was anti-immigrant and he was fueled by the rise in anti-immigration stories and talk in this country.  Would he have done something this crazy eventually without that?  Maybe.  It's less likely one of us would.

But the language being used of "invasions" and "infesting" is not helping.  The ones who may lean toward violent answers to the "problem" are only encouraged that they are correct when there are elected officials who tell them they are.

Were they mentally ill?  IMHO anyone who kills innocent people is.  You (universal) have to be able to turn off all empathy for your fellow human beings and more to kill someone (not in self-defense).  But we are not the only country in the world with mental illness.  We are just the only one with these mass shooting events that takes place REGULARLY.

And the officials blaming video games can go kick rocks for the same reason.  Every other country has the same things we have: mental illness, violent video games, violent movies, immigrants and anti-immigrant rhetoric.  They don't have these mass shootings.  I don't have to say why.

I am pro-2A.  I believe in the right to own weapons.  I also believe we have a serious problem with guns and violence in this country and WE better find a way to limit these events or it will just get worse before it gets better on its own.
[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: Nearly 30 dead as multiple mass shootings hit across the US - GMDino - 08-05-2019, 09:22 AM

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