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Nearly 30 dead as multiple mass shootings hit across the US
(08-05-2019, 11:33 AM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Knowing your stance and penchant for informed, civil debate on the issue, I was actually going to engage you in a similar question SSF.  "what would it take for you to agree to gun control legislation"  But the parameters or specific legislation need to be set for that question to be answered.

I detect a hint of sarcasm, but I am capable of being as rational on this subject as the person I am discussing the subject with.

Quote:To start with your question - I would want stricter background checks, where someone who has shown a proclivity towards violence would be kept from purchasing guns; an end to the swap meet loophole; a universal database tracking gun owners and their guns; and a much much more intensive background checks on weapons capable of inflicting harm at mass shooting levels.  (As I have stated in the past I have a friend who has a litany of very powerful guns, but goes through extra scrutiny at the federal level to acquire them, sometimes taking acquisition a year or more. I don't think that is unreasonable and will help keep these firearms out of the hands of the wrong people.)  

I have zero issue with background checks, never have.  The problem with your suggestion is how to do gather the information needed to implement your more thorough check?  Unless a person has had formal contact with law enforcement or mental health professionals there's no way, outside of truly invasive spying, to accrue this information.  I have to say, there is no swap meet of gun show "loophole".  This is a made up talking point.  What this really is a a private party transfer, i.e. a private citizen selling a gun to another private citizen.  This can take place anywhere.  If you buy a firearm at a gunshow from a FFL you still fill out all the relevant paperwork.  Lastly, a year?  That's insane.

Quote:As to whether this would have stopped these occurances.  I would say they probably would have were they inacted 10+ years ago when this conversation was taking place at that time.  Both of these individuals have made comments (El Paso) or have been watched by the police (Dayton) which could have kept these firearms out of their hands.  Regardless of if it would stem these specific events, I am sure these reasonable laws would save some lives in the future.  That is hard to deny imho.

As to the El Paso shooter, where were his comments made and how could such comments come to the attention of authorities?  What you're advocating may (would?) result in an invasion of privacy on par with the PRC.  How did the Ohio shooter come to the attention of authorities?

Quote:Quick question, what is the source of this comment?  Genuine.  

I admittedly haven't read much on either shooting, I had company in from out of town.  One source made mention that the Ohio shooter was a huge Warren supporter with commensurate political leanings posted on his social media.

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RE: Nearly 30 dead as multiple mass shootings hit across the US - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 08-05-2019, 12:08 PM

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