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Trump says what a lot of people think
(08-08-2019, 06:29 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Pretty much. 

Aside from the refusing to rent to black tenants, none of what you posted is Trump being racist. Every single thing you posted has either been twisted to make something Trump said seem racist or it's been a criticism Trump levied towards a person(s) of color and, of course, he was critical because he was racist. Rolleyes

Ever since I started getting involved in politics (during the Bob Dole-Bill Clinton presidential race) EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF BEING RACIST. Even many of the candidates in the PRIMARIES.

Trump has no filter and has said some God-awful stupid things, but it's amazing to me how so many liberals talks as if it's universally agreed that Trump is a racist, misogynistic xenophobe. 

I didn't realize anyone called Dole racist. Clinton was, wasn't he? Who is doing all this calling?

1.  Could you perhaps agree that the behavior I listed is at least bad?  Not "stupid," but actually BAD? 

2. Also, following Nati's question, is the defense of Trump more about a defense of Republicans?

3. Finally, you expand the topic with reference to misogynistic and xenophobic behavior.  I get that people have blurred the definitions of "racist" so much that people can only agree upon explicitly racist behavior anymore. Thus it is "twisting" birtherism to say it is racist,; same for telling people of color to go back where they came from. But there seems to be a lot there to "twist," doesn't there?

And surely we can agree that Trump is a misogynist? Right? The only way out of that is to say it is not misogynistic to brag of sexual assault, to publicly call women pigs and otherwise demean their looks. If women accuse him of sexual assault, a proper response is not to claim they were too ugly, is it?  Liberals have it wrong when they condemn this behavior? And that is worse than having a president who does these things? You are right to defend Trump against them? I really don't get that.

Same for xenophobic behavior.

It is not "universally agreed" that Trump is racist, misogynistic and xenophobic, but why isn't that part of the problem? Some welcome and celebrate his behavior; others deny it is what it is. The definitions of bad behavior have to be stretched and changed, to forge a pass for Trump.

The debate over Trump seems to be a debate about what the US really is.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Trump says what a lot of people think - Dill - 08-09-2019, 12:56 AM

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