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Trump says what a lot of people think
(08-09-2019, 05:57 AM)hollodero Wrote: Just to get this straight. This is the guy who sponsored the birther movement. Who asked a crowd to boo a judge based on his Mexican name. Who said Mexicans are sending crime, drugs and rapists and maybe some good people. Who uses the words "invasion" for immigrants and tweeted about "breeding" in sanctuary cities. Who repeatedly retweets known right-wing extremists like those from #White genocide (75 retweets), including a fake video of immigrants beating up a crippled kid. Who said there were good people marching alongside Nazis and supremacists. Who called african countries shitholes, suggested all Haitians have AIDS and asked for more Norwegian immigrants instead. Who told four congresswomen of color to go back where they came from. Who seriously suggested to deal with muslims how some general allegedly handled them - by dipping bullets in pig blood before shooting them. Who alleged thousands of thousands of muslims were celebrating the 9/11 attacks in New Jersey. Who falsely accuses five black teenagers of murder even after being cleared. Who gets endorsed by David Duke and doesn't seem to mind. Who claims 81% of murders of white people are committed by blacks and that there are places in the inner cities where you get shot when walking down the streets. Who pardoned Joe Arpaio. Who demanded the conspiracy of mass murder of white farmers in South Africa is investigated. Who has a history of refusing black tenants, telling his black employees in his casino to go to the back and who once said "laziness is a trait in blacks, it's not anything they can control".

And yet you wonder how Trump is seen as racist?

I think he knows about all that. He is just saying that, except for one case, it is "twisting" Trump's words to call all that racist. (Perhaps he is thinking, e.g.,"No one says 'racist' when we call five white men accused of murder 'murderers'; so why is Trump racist to call five black men accused of murder 'murderers,' even after DNA has cleared them?") If I understand Philhos, Trump saying blacks are naturally lazy or tweeting an ugly picture of Ted Cruz' wife would be "godawful stupid" but not racism or misogyny.

If I follow his argument over several posts, the deciding factor in his judgment is that "Every single Republican candidate" is accused of racism since Dole.
He may be implying that the motive for calling Trump racist is not what Trump does or says, but just Trump hate. Or Republican hate. It's just what liberals do. "Liberalness"  or something. It would be the same if Trump had not demanded an investigation into the mass murder of whites in SA or removed black employees from public sight in his Casinos or mentioned the "good people" marching with White Supremacists. Liberals just cannot help calling Republicans racist (I am inferring; Phil did not explicitly say that). That is for him the larger issue.

He is right when he says that " liberals talks as if it's universally agreed that Trump is a racist, misogynistic xenophobe."  He could easily compile examples of them doing that as long as your list of Trump examples of racism and misogyny.   He just seems to be disputing any significant correlation between Trump's actual behavior and liberal judgements about it. The responsibility/accountability is all on "the liberals" here, not on Trump.

A liberal who says it is "universally agreed" that Trump is a racist, misogynist, and Xenophobe would be dead wrong, however, since most of his supporters do not agree. Or if they do, tolerate or even celebrate his behavior.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Trump says what a lot of people think - Dill - 08-09-2019, 02:55 PM

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