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Ireland becomes first country to legalize gay marriage via pop vote
(05-27-2015, 04:29 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yeah but then no one would get fired up over the attempt to take over a religious thing.... Which marriage is....   Anyone can write up a partnerahip.     Everyone wins ... religious people get their ways respected and gays get these marriage "benefits" they are so ever clammoring for....    Eveyone wins.

Marriage is not inherently religious.

(05-27-2015, 04:31 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Marriage is not a right.  Anyone can be married.   Just say your married.   Gov marriage is a joke anyway.   Which should be put out to pasture.   We don't need gov marriage to keep interracial marriages from happening any longer.

Did you really write, "Just say your [sic] married"?  Now who is being silly?  Just tell the IRS you're married on your tax return when you're not and see how that works out.

Assuming your presupposition is correct; why can heterosexuals marry while you're in favor of discriminating against homosexuals based upon their sexual orientation?

(05-27-2015, 04:35 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Single parenting is awful.  And has been a blight on society.   It's a shame how many kids have had to grow up in a single parent homes.    But that excuse isn't enough to say 2 mom's or 2 dads is ideal.   Yeah I guess it's better than no parents...   But nothing Beats a mom and a dad.  And the only people who dont think so.... Never expierenced it ...

There is no banning.   But we should educate that having a mom and a dad is ideal for children.  Exceptions to violence ofc.

I experienced a mom and a dad.  Dad was an excellent example of a bad example.  A single parent or two moms would have been better.

It is a damn shame so many kids have grown up in single parent homes because heterosexuals can't follow the divorce rules in the Bible.  Why aren't there religious divorce ceremonies?  When ya'll can follow your own rules then maybe you can tell others who they can and can't marry.

(05-27-2015, 04:41 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I do not believe a private citizen or business should be forced to comply with any regulation forcing service to anyone.   There are a variety of valid reasons to not provide service to anyone.   And regardless ... It's their choice who they wanna do business with of they exclude people then they face the issue of losing business and going out of business.    

Individual rights trump all.  Because we all have the same individual rights.   It's the ONLY "fair" way.

Which means you support discrimination in the name of freedom at the expense of justice.  Individual rights aren't unlimited.

(05-27-2015, 04:46 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Huckabee is Teddy Roosevelt ... Gonna tell you how to live, gonna tell you what's best for you.   A Teddy Roosevelt progressive.  

He doesn't speak for me? I am a christian who believes in God but I have made it clear .... Your salvation is your business, and mine is mine.   So I don't advocate forcing my beliefs on anyon else.... In my view they will have their awakening when God speaks to them.  

Stats have shown atheists are losing numbers.  So as you get older you get in touch with your spiritual self.
You have completely missed the point.

Here a politician explains the motives of his vote, “I don’t hate anybody. I don’t want to discriminate against anybody. I’m not phobic, but I simply can’t affirm homosexuality. My compass won’t go there, knowing what I know biblically."

He cast his vote based upon the Bible.  If you think this is strictly a government ban in which religion doesn't play a part you are fooling yourself or naive.

(05-27-2015, 12:14 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Look at blacks .... Their struggle can be related to single parent homes.
Seriously?  Can you tell me what you call stereotypes based upon race?  I'll give you a hint.  It rhymes with racism.

(05-27-2015, 12:18 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So why get married?

For the same reasons you did.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ireland becomes first country to legalize gay marriage via pop vote - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 05-27-2015, 04:55 PM

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