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Westerman is considering retirement
Looks like they are going to weed themselves out. Looks like Michael Jordan is separating himself from the bunch anyway. I even think Hopkins may be pushing Price for the starting Center job which is fine with me. Having either Hopkins or Price as the first man off the bench at any of the three interior line positions is hard to beat.

I believe the starting line will look like:

LT - Glenn
LG - Michael Jordan
C - Price/Hopkins (coin flip right now. Could be price as Hopkins had OT experience as well)
RG - John Miller
RT - Bobby Hart

OT - Depth: LT- Andre Smith, RT- John Jerry
OG - Depth: Hopkins(or Price), John Jerry, Alex Redmond
C - Depth: Hopkins(or Price), Emergency - Michael Jordan

I also believe they are going to be watching cuts extremely closely and will not hesitate to make a claim if a good situation presents itself.

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RE: Westerman is considering retirement - OSUfan - 08-16-2019, 02:19 PM

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