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Andrew Luck retires... Chance for the Bengals to trade a promising QB?
A man with millions of dollars chooses to walk away before becoming further injured and it's a big conspiracy? Not everyone is willing to cut off a nut to play in the NFL and make millions. He likely has millions in the bank, will continue to work doing something for a bit of extra dough and isn't chasing something anymore. Maybe it just isn't fun anymore. Every time he turns around he is getting cut open and destroyed. Can kick back around the pool and not worry about a bunch of 300 pounders looking to crush him every snap.

There are players who just worry about concussions and stop playing, but this guy has been crushed constantly. Is the tiny CHANCE of a ring worth it? Not to him it isn't. If he goes out there week 1 and gets his ACL shredded, he is in the same position, plus another surgery, rehab and pain. has to decide when enough is enough.

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RE: Andrew Luck retires... Chance for the Bengals to trade a promising QB? - Destro - 08-26-2019, 01:28 PM

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