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Trump to DHS: Can't we just nuke hurricanes?
(08-28-2019, 12:19 PM)jj22 Wrote: TDS isn't real guy. No matter how much you believe it is. This is not a medical disease. Trump gets no more criticism the Obama did the last 8 years. Hell he was criticized so hatefully he had to prove he was American.

We can't even get Trumps taxes.

You trying to prove this is a real disease is kinda sad (no offense).

Dude did you read the rest of my post? Here it is in case you missed it. I do apologize for the personal attack. It was out of line.

Quote:To be fair, the DSM doesn't classify "TDS" as a thing (so no, ODS isn't a real thing either). 

That said the DSM defines a mental disorder as, "a mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individuals cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior...mental disorders are usually associated with significiant distress in social, occupational, or other important activities." Trump really hasn't been around long enough to research the phenomenon thoroughly, and he'll be long gone by the time enough research would get done to justify adding it to the DSM.  

I've never claimed it's a real diagnosis, but I did say it was a real thing. I do think it is a loosely accurate term to describe the significant disturbance in cognition, emotional regulation, and behavior that Trump can cause. "Trump humping" isn't a real diagnosis either, but I also think that is a loosely accurate term to describe the worship and blind following that some Trump supporters portray. 

It's not a real disease. I would argue it is a real phenomenon though. I would be very interested in reading any research articles on Trumps affect on his supporters and opponents, but there isn't really much out there, and probably won't be. 

I do have a feeling the results would be very similar to a research article I shared in another thread on political zombies. Really good read. I highly recommend it.
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RE: Trump to DHS: Can't we just nuke hurricanes? - Aquapod770 - 08-28-2019, 12:27 PM

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