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It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
(09-15-2019, 09:30 PM)Joelist Wrote: Yes the game was an embarrassment, from BOTH lines being dominated (as usual) to 5-7 dropped passes including a TD in the end zone to the horrid defense and basically everything else. And yes ZT needs time to get his approach fully in place.

But to be honest it won't matter unless the Bengals change their ways and do whatever is needed regardless of cost to build Defensive and Offensive lines that blow the other team off the ball and do not permit themselves to ever be dominated.

The major team liabilities last year were the o-line and the linebacking core. They’re still the weakest links; the front office did a laughable job of fixing the major issues. This team is at best a 5-11 or 6-10 squad. The o-line is a bottom 3 unit in the league. Until they fix the line and get some backers that can diagnose, run, and cover they’re going to be an also ran in the AFC North. I stand by my earlier prognostications of a finish somewhere between 4-12 and 6-10. This is not going to be a wonderful season. Sucks to say it, but it’s reality.
Through 2023

Mike Brown’s Owner/GM record: 32 years  223-303-4  .419 winning pct.
Playoff Record:  5-9, .357 winning pct.  
Zac Taylor coaching record, reg. season:  37-44-1. .455 winning pct.
Playoff Record: 5-2, .714 winning pct.

Messages In This Thread
RE: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint - t3r3e3 - 09-16-2019, 01:11 AM
RE: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint - CJD - 09-16-2019, 11:21 AM
RE: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint - J24 - 09-17-2019, 01:45 AM

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