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Ireland becomes first country to legalize gay marriage via pop vote
(05-27-2015, 10:32 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Not to open a can of worms; but no. Do you suggest a piece of paper will make homosexual couples more committed to each other? Sorta like suggesting "Hey we can get married, so I'm going to play the field until we can".

Marriage would affect heterosexual couples much more in this monogamy slant, mainly because a high percentage of hetero marriages are based on religion and the textbook states Adultery is a sin. Not sure the gay couple is that concerned with those and other lessons in the textbook.

Let's open it.

I'm not suggesting a piece of paper will make homosexual couples more committed to each other than a piece of paper makes heterosexual couples more committed to each other.  However, married couples are generally more committed to each other than couples who are dating or hooking up or on Tinder or any similar app.  Are you suggesting married homosexual couples are less monogamous than married heterosexual couples?  Show me the evidence.

Infidelity is the second leading cause of divorce in this country.  So those religion based heterosexual married couples aren't following the what the textbook states.  The textbook also list the reasons for divorce.  Can you please explain the Bible based reasons for divorce?

I made a facetious comment to a specious argument that homosexual marriage would actually increase the STD rate and poses a public health threat, e.g. homosexual marriage = public health threat.  That argument is so ridiculous is isn't deserving of a serious reply.  Even though I meant my comment to be facetious it is, in fact, grounded in facts.  Among the recommendations to reduce the spread of STDs is mutual monogamy.  Who is more mutually monogamous, singles or married couples?  You don't need to be married in order to be mutually monogamous, but in general married couples are more monogamous than singles despite the high rate of infidelity among married couples.  CDC statistics show STD rates decline after the age of 24.  Why?  Because high risk sexual behavior decreases with age.  Among those high risk factors is sex with multiple partners.  Single individuals generally have sex with more partners than married individuals.

I'm a former 11B turned 65D turned civilian.  There is hardly a week that goes by that I don't exam, test, or treat someone for an STD.  Easily 98% of those patients are heterosexual (heterosexual singles >>>heterosexual married), followed by homosexual a distant third.  I can state from personal, clinical experience that married individuals contract STDs less frequently than their single peers.  If you have some evidence that can change my mind I would love to read it.  If you have evidence that marriage, heterosexual or homosexual, increases the rate of any STD I challenge any one of you to show me the evidence to change my mind.   If not, stop spouting this ignorant nonsense.

If a person's sexual orientation is homosexual that doesn't necessarily indicate they don't believe in God or religion.  That is a false assumption on your part.  Religion or sexual orientation doesn't make an individual faithful as demonstrated by the rate of divorce due to infidelity.  I'm faithful to my wife and I'm agnostic.  My fidelity is 100% independent of religion.  I view your religion the same way you view Scientology.   While in the military I took at least 7 oaths of enlistment, re-enlistment, or commissioning swearing to defend the Constitution even if it meant sacrificing my life so I take individual rights pretty damn seriously.  You swore to protect the same.  I don't know your reasons, but one of mine was because I believe in "liberty and justice for all," not liberty and justice for some based upon my religious beliefs.  I challenge you to give me a single legitimate reason why homosexuals shouldn't marry the same as their heterosexual peers other than it offends your religious sensibilities.

Lastly, this isn't directed specifically at you but in general, it isn't your place to judge other's sins, that is your god's job.  If you claim you're a Christian then start acting like one.

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RE: Ireland becomes first country to legalize gay marriage via pop vote - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 05-28-2015, 10:05 AM

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