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Immediately banned from Facebook for posting this video:
So the FBI is arresting people who are willing to commit terrorist acts but just don't have the funding?  Aren't those exactly the same people ISIS would use?

I don't see the problem with this.  These are exactly the people I want the FBI to arrest.  

Basically Aaronson uses bullshit terms like "essentially" mentally ill.  The fact is that these people were tried in US courts and if they had been mentally ill they would not have been convicted.

The last part was hilarious.  It seems that he is claiming that these people going to Syria never wanted to join any terror group but were just willing to go meet with terrorists as part of a vacation or something.

People who are willing to commit terrorists acts but just don't have the money are the people ISIS is looking for.

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RE: Immediately banned from Facebook for posting this video: - fredtoast - 09-25-2019, 06:42 PM

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