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Whistle-Blower’s Complaint Is Said to Involve Multiple Acts by Trump
The Weekend is upon us! Over the next few days, I'll be following closely

1. The WH. Trump has a personality disorder, does not adequately grasp the political process now constricting him, and has surrounded himself with incompetent protection, whom he'll be giving bad direction. Many of these, including his lawyers, must realize the danger of their complicity in hiding his behavior. I expect some of these to turn on him, each other and/or resign as Trump continues speak and act in ways that further incriminate him--and against their advice. I expect Trump to further destroy morale by blaming his staff, creating further incentive in them to leak or quit or go public, and preventing a coherent PR response to the impending impeachment. The inner chaos becomes ever more public.

2. Other departments of the Exec. State is a mess, as people who were always trying to do the right thing come into conflict with people who were helping Rudy. Doubtful Pompeo can manage this mess. Kurt Volker, apparent point man for Rudy, has resigned, placing him outside direct exec control. The DOJ is in similar difficulty, after Barr and co. diverted the whistle blower report by redefining it as a "criminal offense" and quashing it because a sitting president cannot be criminally charged. The intel community will be ready to cooperate in the impeachment inquiry.

3. The battle over narratives. Fox and Friends. As the sheer implausibility of the Ukraine hoax (the belief the DNC orchestrated the attack on the US elections from the Ukraine to falsely frame Russia) and Biden's "misuse of office," and Trump and Rudy's erratic and contradictory public behavior undermine credibility from that sector of the news, responsible "fake news" sources will keep pouring on astounding revelations which compound concerns of Trump's fitness to lead already raised by the Ukraine call--e.g., the recent revelation that Trump told Kislyak (during the latter's infamous unmonitored visit to the Oval Office) that he was "unconcerned" about Russian interfered with the US elections. (Will Graham call THAT a "nothingburger"?) Secreted transcripts of conversations with Putin and MbS may be pried loose from their classified protection for more astonishing revelations.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Whistle-Blower’s Complaint Is Said to Involve Multiple Acts by Trump - Dill - 09-27-2019, 10:55 PM

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