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Great Chess Match Coming Sunday.....
Another weakness, though some don't see it that way is, Sherman can only play one side of the field.

Some thinks this takes away one side of the field and that in itself is a reason Sherman is so great.

I on the other hand feel this is a big weakness. Since that means you can have guys like AJ and Jones on the opposite side, drawing the lesser CBs and have Sanu drawing Sherman.

Get Gio running in the flat on the side of Green and Jones and he should be about to get big gains all day. Especially if Eifert is taking care of the middle of the field.

Switch it up from time to time and see what Green can do against Sherman, but the main package for me would be Green and Jones opposite of Sherman, with Sanu drawing Sherman.

The Packers tried this at one point and failed due to not having the talent at WR that we have at the time. I don't know if that was their strategy during week 2 but I think it is a great way to take Sherman out of the game.

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RE: Great Chess Match Coming Sunday..... - Sovereign Nation - 10-06-2015, 08:01 PM

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