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GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty
(10-09-2015, 08:53 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Here's my thing, let the GAO do their job. If the GAO brings something to the attention of Congress as being necessary of further investigation, that is when you do it. Don't start a witch hunt based on illegally obtained videos used to make contextually inaccurate claims. If abortion weren't such a divisive subject the GOP Representatives involved in all of this would have egg on their face, but they'll still be heroes to those on their side of things. Our elected officials are already down to one third of their time in Washington being available to actually do their jobs because of how much time is spent fund raising and trying to be reelected. Maybe, just maybe, they should focus the remaining small amount of time that they actually owe to the American people to do their jobs to being legislators and passing legislation. How long has it been since we've seen a budget passed? Or any substantial piece of legislation since the ACA? Is there a reason this people are too much like children to actually come together, hash out differences of opinion, compromise, and be statesmen instead of politicians?

I'm so tired of it. This is why I stopped caring so much about the federal level. Our nation seemingly does not want adults running our country. They want the children's table to reign supreme and bickering and gridlock to be the story of the day. Frankly, it's sickening. The fact that people want, they want to see leadership in the House that will cause this gridlock is just asinine. I don't want bills that are for expansive government to just flow freely, but I'd like to see people willing to actually compromise instead. Compromise is not a dirty word. As long as you are still working towards your vision, you can take a detour, just get back on that main road, or find one of those nice country dirt roads that will get you there.

Sorry, got a little feisty this morning.


No you actually make a good point.  Honestly I've rethought about some things. The govt is way more involved in things than I'd care for.  Hearing about all the gun violence, I used to be all about more "gun control" but I've realized it's not going to make much of a difference.  Some people just feel the need to be "packing".  I don't and never have.  But it's  not my decision to make for others though.  They might live in a different place than me.

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RE: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 10-09-2015, 12:52 PM

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