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Benghazi Staffer Fired for not Focusing on Hillary Enough?
As if we needed more evidence that the idiotic Benghazi faux-scandal and it's wasteful "investigations" were anything more than a cynical political move, an ex-investigator for the Republicans is now suing because he claims he was fired for trying too hard to find the truth about the situation instead of focusing on Hillary Clinton and the State Department.

Quote:A former investigator for the Republicans on the House Select Committee on Benghazi plans to file a complaint in federal court next month alleging that he was fired unlawfully in part because his superiors opposed his efforts to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the 2012 attack on the American diplomatic mission in the Libyan city rather than focus primarily on the role of the State Department and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

So, now that the U.S. taxpayers have paid 4.6 million dollars and counting on this committee that has produced zero evidence of criminal action or wrongdoing by an individual and zero recommendations for future prevention, can we finally cut this non-story loose?

Sadly, we all know the answer to this question, as the replies to this thread will no doubt show.

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Benghazi Staffer Fired for not Focusing on Hillary Enough? - GodHatesBengals - 10-10-2015, 05:38 PM

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