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No Timetable on when AJ Green will practice
I don't really buy into the AJ conspiracy theories. It's not that hard to believe that he's just not able to play.

At this point, I'm not real sure that I want to give him a multi-year deal at top WR money. Players his age like Dez Bryant and Demariyus Thomas are basically done. It's not a stretch to think that AJ may be, too. I'd be shocked if he takes the field this year. He's just not a guy I want to depend on to be the best player on the team anymore. Not at 18 or so mil per season.

You can cite Fitzgerald al you want, but Fitzgerald has been available into his later years. He doesn't miss a lot of games. Apples to oranges, really.

This team needs to get serious move on. It needs to draft better players and find a new core of talent. They can't just keep clinging to their security blanket of 2015-era talent because they trust it. All this does is prolong the rebuild. They need to do their jobs, learn how to evaluate talent, and build a roster for the future instead of trying to keep one from a half-decade ago.

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RE: No Timetable on when AJ Green will practice - samhain - 11-17-2019, 04:04 PM

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