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The Democratic Party has moved too far to the left.
(11-25-2019, 04:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Add universal basic income, gun confiscation, gutting the criminal justice system and reparations to that list.  I think there's also a lot of room within medicare for all and environmentally friendly legislation as well.  For example medicare for all with no private option is a left leaning version of this idea while being able to keep private insurance is less so.  The Green New Deal is a joke though, anyone using that as a foundation for their plans is already on thin ice.

eh, I've only heard one politician mention gun confiscation and Beto is a dumbass. 

The Green New Deal, as I understand it, is just a framework proposal with goals rather than defined policy information. More just an approach to environmental (And economic) reform, like a carbon tax. Unless they've released more information about it in the last few months. Why do you find it to be a joke?

Reparations is one of those "it'd be great, but the specifics of such a policy would be difficult to define without offending or alienating some portion of the group." For example, should Reparations explicitly apply to those who are descendants of slaves? Or should it take into account the lost economic growth to the black community as a result of redlining and other racist policies well into the 1900s? It's something to strive towards, but I sincerely doubt any Democrat will ever get to the point where they're proposing a realistic law or form of legislation that is actionable. I think the most anyone has proposed is "let's look into if it's even possible."

Universal Basic Income is controversial, but I get why Andrew Yang is pitching it. There needs to be some kind of response to the fact that jobs are slowly but surely being replaced by automation. That'll leave a lot of blue collar workers with nowhere to go unless they can retrain and potentially move to another area where more jobs are available.

I'm not sure what you mean by gutting criminal reform though.

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RE: The Democratic Party has moved too far to the left. - CJD - 11-25-2019, 04:35 PM

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