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The Democratic Party has moved too far to the left.
(11-26-2019, 10:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Like clockwork. GTFO with this assumption that it is "wrong" to be "ok" with Trump. Dude's a narcissistic asshole.

Jeez... language :) I'm not saying it's "wrong" (and I actually think you're a fine person, no matter what you're "ok" with), but I doubt, or let's say I wonder how, a SC seat is worth tolerating that narcissistic asshole, that also is probably borderline criminal and appallingly uneducated. That embarrasses the US throughout the world and shames the office. I mean, he does that and you know that.
Also, I do wonder if you really feel at home within the "conservative" movement as it looks now. A bunch of Trump apologists that lie to the public and promote absurd conspiracies about servers in Ukraine and Fusion GPS and FBI secret societys and a Russia hoax and a deep state and all that other actually quite dangerous BS they all have to trot out in order to defend Trump. You heard the conservatives at the hearings I suppose, aren't they appallingly cringy?

But sure, that's inherently your cup of tea, how you can integrate tolerating (I'm not saying "supporting") Trump and his party into your own value system. Only when you drag along justifications like "other dudes in office were probably way worse" or construct some kind of moral equivalency to the Dems or call Trump's behaviour merely "politics" instead of what it is, I will object and won't GTFO.

(11-26-2019, 10:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I am a Christian and the bible is filled with stories of God using bad people to do good things.

Well I am not, and I see history is full of bad people doing bad things. Not to question your faith (something I would not dare to do), but there seem to be just way more examples of bad people doing bad things as there are of bad people doing good things. Maybe God is just very selective, but it seems way more founded to believe God doesn't get mixed into election results. Or else, how would any democrat ever get elected :)

(11-26-2019, 10:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Of course my hair would "be on fire" if Hills or Obama acted similarly.

Yeah, of course. I admire your honesty about that. You can see though how that would open you up to accusations of hypocrisy, right?
Not to put too fine a point on that, but probably for the rest of our lives, whenever you complain about some unethical, bad or "wrong" thing the Dems do, you will be quite vulnerable to a "but you were basically ok with Trump and his folks doing way worse, right?" response, and that will be tough to counter.

(11-26-2019, 10:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Not one word of that changes the point at hand. It you want to argue why a candidate for POTUS should be a saint, feel free to start a thread. I'll give my $0.02.  

Nah, probably no one is a "saint". I was not saying that and since it's you, I politely ask you to not lay words in my mouth either, something you would heftily object to. What I'd say is that there's a whole lot of area between being a saint and being a Trump. That's not an either/or scenario.
Concerning the "point at hand", Trump has little to do with Dems moving too far left inherently, but as of now and as for a more or less neutral observer like me, the Dems seem to be the party that holds the norms and the law and the US' standing in high regard, while the GOP seems to argue that Trump can do however he pleases.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: The Democratic Party has moved too far to the left. - hollodero - 11-26-2019, 11:11 PM

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