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The Democratic Party has moved too far to the left.
(12-02-2019, 07:05 PM)bfine32 Wrote: 1. I knew that "Never Trump"

2. I have no problem voting for someone Left of Center in general; as long as he/she shares some of my views. I'll leave it to youto figure out the rest of the directions, but I think most, including Obama, realizes what "Too far Left" is.

3. You say you've seen it a couple of times while also saying you see no examples///

4. There are those that want us out of the ME at any cost, but when Trump makes a move to do so; it becomes "Did you see how he did it? He abandoned one of our unofficial allies in favor of one of our official allies. Damn him."

1. "Never Trump" against a field of normal politicians, yes. You might also have asked which 2016 Republican candidates I would vote for over Trump. Again--all of them.

2. LOL women's suffrage, social security, civil rights, medicare, gay marriage--today's "too far left" is tomorrow's moral high ground. Obama realizes that for sure.

3. I said "IF" there are examples of some "far left" slamming Trump for good deeds, not that I have "seen it a couple of times." Subjunctive mood.

4. We kind of went over this before.  I very much doubt that any individual who really "wanted the US out of the ME at any cost" complained when he announced the pull back from the Syrian border. 

It looks like you are manufacturing a contradiction here by pointing to some "leftists" who want us out of the ME (though not at any cost) and others (like myself) who critique Trump for abandoning allies, not listening to advice, and general making high impact foreign policy decisions in favor countries where he has or wants hotels, and then presenting these as somehow the same individuals talking out of both sides of their mouth.

All that while further ignoring that someone might indeed want the US out of ME but have a big problem nevertheless with Trump's making high impact foreign policy decisions in favor of countries where he has or wants hotels and to the detriment of those who have spilled blood in our interest.  Why in the world should even those who want us out at any cost be ok with that?

PS Trump still has us in Syria, "keeping the oil."
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: The Democratic Party has moved too far to the left. - Dill - 12-02-2019, 09:52 PM

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