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The National Review defends Bernie on rape essay
I think it's different when you're talking sexual fantasies versus "the body has a way of shutting that down" to accuse women that want to abort a pregnancy from a rape, as liars. Also, the argument of a woman asking to be raped because of the way she dresses.

I'm sure there are statistics in the Kinsey report that coraborate that some men fantasize about raping a woman and some women fantasize about being raped. That doesn't mean they want it to happen in real life.

I just read an article that videos searched by women on pornhub were bdsm, gang bang and forced sex all in the top 5.

If this same essay were written by a republican, I wouldn't treat it or them any differently. Writing about fantasy is completely different than basing policy on what you believe, even if it's not backed up by facts, which is where the past statements of some people have gotten them in trouble.

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RE: The National Review defends Bernie on rape essay - Yojimbo - 05-28-2015, 11:02 PM

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