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Evangelical Magazine Supports Impeachment and Removal
(12-20-2019, 05:40 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: And when the Impeachment attempt fails, those same guys will reverse their own morals and say God must be on Trumps side.

Sorry, I'm just not a huge fan of organized religion. Really if Trump claims to be a Christian, then who on the face of this planet has any right to judge him? isn't that considered a big no-no by the book? Not only that, but anyone that judges someone else, 9/10 times probably needs to take a look in the mirror first.

Religion is a personal thing and open to a lot of interpretation. With that, there's a lot of gray area where people shouldn't 'cast stones' over how someone worships.

On the other hand, who? Christians, that's who.

How many times in this forum has someone posted "Muslims are bad, and they're all bad because other Muslims dont make them change."

Well, they're not all bad, just like all Christians aren't bad when a fringe group like wadesboro does dumb stuff that's not very Christ-like. But at the same time, it's up to other Christians to make sure they don't let the train go off the track by being an example of what a Christian is. And pointing out what it isn't.

Christianity isn't paying porn stars for sex, advocating sexual assault, stealing from charities, boasting about cheating on taxes, encouraging violence, lying or the rest of what we've seen the last four years. Most of which is recent behavior.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Evangelical Magazine Supports Impeachment and Removal - Benton - 12-20-2019, 05:50 PM

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