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Medical Marijuana for Bengals fans
I've been sick so I've been out weed for two weeks, in case some of you hadn't noticed, but I'm doing much better now. :-)-~~~

It's been legal up here for three years and it's great. What kind I smoke, depends on where I'm at in my day.

Indica. In Da Couch. 
Sativa. Suh Teev Up! 

If I'm just vegging out and doing nothing, Indica. My friends grow some consistent 26-30% Pineapple Chunk, Lemon Haze and a few other Indicas I can't remember. Smoking their weed is like drinking shots of NyQuill, it just knocks you out if you take multiple hits. They're applying for their grower/distributors license at the moment. Occasionally, when I'm set on staying in for the night, I'll get a gram of 36-38% from one of the local Pot Shops but I get EXTREMELY talkative the first hour on this weed, (sorry, Jaegermeister).

If I'm at the radio station or my other job I like to be able to function so I usually go to one of the shops and pick up a Sativa. It doesn't get you as wasted and you can still pretty much keep focus without the mind wandering as much as when you are on an Indica. If you get paranoid or have anxiety on weed, chances are it was a Sativa.

Edibles are alright, I make some awesome pot butter out of nothing but leaves from my friends harvests, but I get tired more than I get high off of that stuff. A body high that's real good for aches and pains, though. I gave some to my Mom and some of her friends that never smoke pot (ages 66-78) and they love it. One of them told me that her boyfriend tells her that every night she eats my butter infused cake, she wakes up in the exact same position she went to sleep in and she usually sleeps around 10 hours instead of 6-7. People that have pain, or are too warm, move every time they go from stage 4 (deep sleep) back up to stage 1(light sleep) in the 4 stages of sleep that people rotate through many times a night. People that don't have pain, lick their lips or rub/scratch their nose for a second, but never really move their body because they are still comfortable. Betty Crocker - Butter Recipe Yellow is the sweeping favorite although Pilsbury has a no sugar recipe that was outstanding, very sweet. Thumbs down by all on Duncan Hines.

Pot cookies are usually too strong. As far as amount of butter used, 1 cake = 2 3/4 cookies. It's much easier to control the levels in a cake. Make a mistake and eat two cookies and your day is screwed. One average slice of my cakes equates to about 1/5 of a cookie, but it is made from the leaves off of 26-30% THC marijuana bud. This "shake" is stronger than the White Widow bud that my Dad and I grew for about 20 years. That's usually around 12-15%.

Never liked the vape pens. The high is like smoking resin, it's not great, no real head rush and the buzz is gone in 10 to 15 minutes. One thing I like about the strong weed, is that the buzz lasts so much longer that I don't smoke anywhere near as much. So that 10-15 minutes with a vape pen doesn't cut it. I used to have to keep re-upping like that with the lower 12-15%, now I just take a hit every two hours or so. It makes your weed last so much longer. I spend about $40 a week now vs spending $100-140 with the lesser strength pot before legalization. The weed is so strong up here now that we don't get high, we just stay high.

Baked Alaskan.
Only users lose drugs.

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RE: Medical Marijuana for Bengals fans - Forever Spinning Vinyl - 01-09-2020, 04:24 AM

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