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Why has the Super Bowl hype come and gone?
I actually spoke to Alex Marvez and Mark Dominik on Late Hits on Sirius. Both of them sounded really excited about this upcoming year. They thought they had a great draft and a really good off season. They like MJ coming back and thought The AJ move was underrated. They think the drafting of Big Ced and Fish doesn't necessarily mean we lose Whit and Dre but feel they will be our future bookends for years to come. They LOVE our backfield and receivers including our TEs.

Top to bottom they felt like we had one of, if not the MOST, talented roster in the NFL. They said this franchise has completely turned it around. They said now people are just waiting for them to get over that hump or kick the jinx to really ride that bandwagon. Mark said he believes, if we can stay healthy, this is the year we end our playoff drought and if it does happen won't be surprised if we end up in the Super Bowl.

I kind of feel like this I how all the media and experts feel. We have all the tools to win we just have to show it when it matters. When I talked with Gil Brandt on radio he felt like this year's draft was top notch and had, from round 4 on, the best draft. Getting talent and needs really securing the depth and future of this team. So although we are not talked about a lot. When I do hear talk of us it is good. I guess we are all just waiting for the next step. I'm very excited.

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RE: Why has the Super Bowl hype come and gone? - Camdaddy08 - 05-29-2015, 01:00 PM

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