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An "Act establishing a moratorium on face recognition..."
(01-27-2020, 08:31 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: That is a bit too much and shouldn't be allowed unless the person has agreed that they can be matched up to public facial recognition software. The Fed I consider private. It is dangerous as well. If a thief finds out your daily schedule then they know exactly when you are not home and how long you will be gone. Not a good idea for Google to have access to and release that info

Again, I can walk down the street and take your picture right now and it's perfectly legal. I can then take your picture and search through Facebook until I find you. People actually do this now online with social media celebrities, it's called doxing. The reality is these systems aren't doing anything unique or special they are simply doing a process a human could do but at a million times the speed. My issue with trying to limit technology is it creates a dangerous precedent that starts with simple technologies that people think are "creepy" and then start applying to technologies that disrupt markets of large lobbyists.

Side note here, google actually killed the ability for this to work because of their fears of someone using it to stalk someone. That said these things should be left up to the companies. When they release these kinds of devices they are assuming the liability that could potentially be established because of their use. The market will kind of steer what is or isn't acceptable and we should avoid trying to legislate away technology.

It's actually funny once upon a Universal Studios (along with other studios) tried to essentially kill the VCR via lawsuits. They claimed that the device was a pirating tool that would essentially kill their industry. 30 years later the studios are still alive and pirating has just taken on a new form. The funny thing about technology is it will always be ahead of legislation and the ones who are looking to use it for nefarious activities are usually at the forefront of those technologies. Look at deep fakes and such. Some of the most common early usages of it was in the fake porn industry where hey used it to generate celebrities into porn content. Main stream people are just kind of catching on to deep fakes but they have been around for years.

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RE: An "Act establishing a moratorium on face recognition..." - Au165 - 01-28-2020, 08:59 AM

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