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Something is just missing from my tuesday. Truck_1_0_1_ weekly PFF :(
(10-06-2015, 12:22 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: You know what? I think I will...

As most of you know, I attempted the process when they were hiring after the 2012 season, but it was taking me too long (I had major issues with the video quality of my feed; I should've just PVR'd all the games. Khaled even told me that even with the horrible feed I got, 94.7% accuracy over 3 games was damn good and that he wanted to keep me on) and I was in my last class of university, thus I needed to focus in order to graduate. While I didn't get as far as the actual grading process (I believe Eox actually did attempt this when he got with them), I am familiar with how the system works (give points for positive plays, take away for negative plays), but the interpretation I'm not particularly great with; Like I say, I'm just the messenger and I TRY to interpret the grades, but I'm not always sure.

I'll get back to you guys in the next day or two at the most; I need to think up a metric or system and I can just use PFF's model, if it works; I'll need to rewatch the game (which is no problem, save for losses) but I think it'll: A, work and B, give a different spin on things, to truly see if Dre is as bad as they say or if Whitworth is being embellished.

And, of course, if the Madden ratings they have people are content with, then we can just go with that, but I severely doubt it, DJS hit the nail on the head: They had a great, informative and most of all, UNIQUE thing going and then they decide to scrap it out of the blue for a common thing?

Subscriptions will be DOWN and fast, I assure you.

The funny thing is you offered your opinions of their ratings and I agreed more with your analysis and ratings more often than not.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats

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RE: Something is just missing from my tuesday. Truck_1_0_1_ weekly PFF :( - Luvnit2 - 10-13-2015, 11:33 AM

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