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Michael Bloomberg's attempt to buy the election, detailed
(02-20-2020, 08:05 PM)Dill Wrote: So far I like Warren best. She's the SMARTEST kid in class and won't play with the bad boys. Castrated Bloomberg with his own knife.

I'd be happy with Bernie too, or Pete after that. That guy is a learner. And young. Notice he is always prepared and better every debate. Strategic and focused.

Not sure the "socialist" will lose, as everyone predicts. Once he gets on stage and argues his points, I think he will change minds. "Why do we pay twice as much health care per capita as any other industrialized nation?" he keeps asking. When the answer to the question finally holds the public stage for a few months, I think it quite possible people will vote for "socialism." The argument against Bernie boils down to "Insurance companies, hospitals and Big Pharm deserve government protection!"

Amy was ok till she didn't know the president of Mexico.  But I'll vote for WHOMEVER is NOT TRUMP. 

Share your disappointment in US voters, and their embrace of criminality--that this election should be close at all condemns the national judgment.
And that's why I agree the goal has to be turnout. Little we can do to persuade Trumpers en masse.  But fractions continue to peel off as he lurches from one scandal to the next--Syria, acquittal without witnesses, green light pardons to the politically corrupt, the AG sicced on "enemies" . . . it's not over yet.

I tell you, Warren impressed the hell out of me last night. She had seemed so meek in the last few debates, it was really nice to see her really tear into Bloomberg. That was the Warren I remembered from early on when she was polling so high over the summer.

I personally don't think the forgetting the President of Mexico's name is that big of a deal. It's not a good look, but it is possible that she just blanked on it. I think her record as a prosecutor is a lot more concerning. All these former prosecutors throwing black men in jail over questionable cases just to claim victory is just nuts. Amy looked weak and out of sorts all night and I'm glad that she and Pete are fighting so much. 

As far as Pete, I like a few things about him. I appreciate his experience in the military and as a Rhodes scholar. I think he has the personality of a wet blanket though and I'm not sure what his deal with black people is, but he seems to repel them. It probably doesn't help that he's had at least 2 separate issues with him faking or misleading people about support for him from the black community. It just makes him come off as sleazy. And I think Medicare for all who want it is a disastrous plan that would set back the fight for universal healthcare at least 20 years.

I'll vote for any of them, but I'm only really excited to vote for Bernie and Warren :). The Socialist stuff won't take in the long run. Bernie is a center left candidate in most other developed countries. What he's proposing isn't as radical as moderates and republicans try to make him seem and I think the voters are seeing that now.

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RE: Michael Bloomberg's attempt to buy the election, detailed - CJD - 02-20-2020, 10:51 PM

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