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"It sounds like the Bengals are going to be more active in free agency"
I would not hold my breath here.  Nowhere does he indicate that they will be changing their traditional free agency approach, which has been mostly a total failure as far back as I can remember.  Additionally, it will cost the Bengals more to bring in quality free agents due to their record than it would for better teams.  Mike Brown is not going to like this  and would rather sign loyalists like Bobby Hart, than be baited into a lucrative contract for a quality free agent vet.  Please stop with the 1 year deals for washed up vets like AJ Hawk, Terrell Owens & James Harrison.  

I can't think of one impactful outside free agent signing we've had in the last 10 years.  We will need to hit a home run with the draft to improve the team as those are really the only players from outside the organization we will be getting, besides the typical rummage sale items we come across in the offseason.  Perhaps with all the bad press recently, MB and Co. will change their ways, but again, I would not hold my breath.  MB typically just digs in his heals when faced with outside criticism.
"Our offensive line is going to surprise a lot of people" - Mike Brown (7-26-21)

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RE: "It sounds like the Bengals are going to be more active in free agency" - 2MinutesHate - 02-22-2020, 10:49 AM

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