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Does Bernie Know Dems Need A Miracle?
(02-21-2020, 11:47 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: With all of Trump's accomplishments and the dumpster fire that is the group of Democratic candidates, in the debate, Bernie said "we need the biggest turnout in history in this election."

Did he just say that so people that have no clue about the current status of the country and wouldn't vote otherwise will come out and vote against Trump based on emotion without any real understanding of the way things are?  Is he hoping they'll hear his vision of socialism (remind me to buy a gun if he gets elected [before he bans them]) and just come out and blindly vote for him because they think the country will be a paradise?

The Democrats are collapsing, so is he just hoping that people see Trump as some rich prick that they can't identify with and that they'll all buy into his promises?

The majority of Trump's 'accomplishments' are seen as a blight on the country by many Americans. I often have to google "What are Trump's Accomplishments?" because I can't, for the life of me, remember any of them. All I remember are the constant scandals, the lying, the gas lighting, the claims that never unfold, the promises that are broken.

The one thing I was actually genuinely excited for from Trump was his promise to enact term limits on congress members and, of course, he hasn't even tried to do that...

His healthcare bill stalled and then he never came back to it. And even that was just "let's cut everything and come back to it later." It wasn't an actual healthcare bill that would have solved anything.

Instead of eliminating the federal deficit he has ballooned it even further with tax cuts and increases to the military budget.

Speaking of which, his tax cut was basically nothing but a freebie to his billionaire and millionaire buddies. It didn't help middle class people nearly as much as he claimed it would. Especially since the corporate handout was permanent, but the individual benefits are only temporary.

He's failed to grow the economy by 4 percent a year, as he promised.

He didn't bring back manufacturing jobs or coal the way he promised (not that those necessarily should be brought back in the first place).

He did scale back on the EPA and he did back out of the Paris Climate Agreement but...that's a bad thing. He even put a climate change denier at the head of the EPA, which is just hilarious if not sad.

Then you talk about all the regulations that he cut that will invariably make our water and air dirtier just to make corporations more wealthy...It's just bad business for the American people. Corporations love it, but are we a country of people or a country of corporations?

He also backed out of the Iran Deal...but considering the escalation with Iran recently (culminating in the Soleimani kill and subsequent bombing of American bases in Iraq) I think many people would consider that a bad decision as well.

Even his economy, which he claims is his big accomplishment, is mostly not related to him. If you look at GDP growth, the Stock Market, payroll job growthunemployment, consumer confidence, manufacturing activity and average hourly earnings, they're all virtually the same as/on trend with how they were under Obama. There may be a small uptick here and there, but it's not sustained in any way. In fact, the one thing that has consistently gone up since Trump took office have been Stock buybacks, which are great for the companies and the share holders of those companies, but they tend to paint an inaccurate picture of what is happening in the economy. Money spent on buying back stocks is money not spent on improving the lives of the workers (note: workers and shareholders are different) of those companies. The intended purpose of the tax cut was to lower corporate tax rates so that companies spend more money on job creation and increasing wages/benefits/bonuses for their workers, not to encourage buybacks.

Even his promise to not cut Social Security and Medicaid is now looking like a lie, as his proposed budget for 2020 arguably contains cuts to both programs, in addition to several other social programs like SNAP and WIC as well as the Student Loan Forgiveness program. 

He's even failed to build his stupid wall! 

I just...I don't know what a Trump accomplishment is. Even if he has had a few (which I'm sure he has, I just can't think of them right now) it's hard to give him credit for those when compared with all the damage he's done.

He hasn't done any favors for our international image, either. Most countries' leaders and citizens think we're a joke because of Trump. He's a walking joke.

And ALL that is not even taking into account his constant courting of white supremacists, Nazis, KKK members and, generally, bigots of the worst variety.

As far as the biggest turnout in American history....I don't think it's required to beat Trump.

Remember, even when running against Hillary Clinton, one of the most unpopular candidates this country has ever seen, she still got 3 million more votes than Trump. And the votes that decided the election were in states that Democrats had previously won every year since 1988 (Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania). And they lost those votes by extremely slim margins - a total of ~78,000 votes -  and were states that Hillary basically didn't campaign in because she's a terrible campaigner.

Bernie Sanders is currently the Senator with the highest approval rating in the entire country. All he needs to do is flip those three states and carry what Hillary carried in 2016 (virtually all of them typical Democrat states) and you've got a defeated Donald.

And, for what it's worth, Donald Trump's approval rating is lower than his approval rating as he entered office. So the odds that he GAINED voters between 2016 and 2020 are relatively slim.

This is way too long of an answer but, basically, Trump doesn't have nearly as many accomplishments as you seem to think he does and he has way more vulnerability than I think you are willing to admit in the 2020 election.

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RE: Does Bernie Know Dems Need A Miracle? - CJD - 02-24-2020, 07:13 PM

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