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Does Bernie Know Dems Need A Miracle?
(02-25-2020, 11:40 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Brad.  I cannot believe you are a not better person than you are portraying right now.  Quite frankly it’s despicable.  

The next poor person who finds themselves in a similar situation as yours, (poorer than your parents were, without access to health insurance like you were), should be treated with less regard for their long term health than you were?

Please think about your response in the context of the kids you speak to on a regular basis.
Government (and non-government) programs help families like mine, which I know because I still benefit from them.  That's different from just giving out benefits to people who just don't want to work or are just too lazy to do anything.  I've also been on committees and boards to help people like me and families like mine, which, again, is different from people getting benefits just because they don't want to do anything in life.

(02-26-2020, 11:07 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: If that's your stance, then you should be fully behind Bernie. Because he is for "social programs" as you call it, not socialism, as you want to define it.

Then why has he supported socialist countries like Nicaragua, Cuba, and the Soviet Union?  

Social programs that help the needy are different from social programs that control everything and full government intervention because those countries fail.

Bernie points to countries like Sweden as examples of socialism success, but the problem there is that, as this video points out, Sweden and other European nations AREN'T socialist.  

(02-26-2020, 11:12 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Am I crazy, or did that article just prove that Sanders isn't a socialist by saying that the system Bernie wants to model America after, Nordic countries, are not, in fact, socialist at all.

Seems like an endorsement for Bernie, if you ask me. That article should have calmed Brad down, not incensed his fears of socialism.
Bernie thinks they are and proves that by calling them socialist countries because he has no clue what he's talking about.
(02-26-2020, 01:12 PM)JS-Steelerfan Wrote: Brad is the king of confirmation bias.  Once he’s set his mind a certain way, he refuses to let new information change it.  Even hearing positive things from someone who lives in a country where they’ve implemented what Bernie is promoting, as hollodero has done here, will not likely be enough to change his mind from thinking that Bernie is the next coming of Josef Stalin.  
Once again, Bernie has no clue what he's talking about because those aren't socialist countries. 

What made America great, even from the start, was people trying to work harder and produce new ideas and new things to get ahead in life.  That's the American dream.  Why would people have any motivation to better themselves and move forward if they won't see a reward and people who do nothing get just as much as people who try to improve their lives?
(02-26-2020, 04:08 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: Do some reasearch on what ? For Hollodero and me, healthcare and free education are just everyday's life of every western european country.

Are we more bankrupt than the USA ? Surely not. 

Life is good there.

Other funny facts ?

We only need one job. We work 35 hours a week, have 5 weeks of paid vacation and even if you lose your job, the national community helps you during 2 years with 53% of your former income ...

Hell on Earth ...
Europeans tend to think that they're less likely to control their own destiny, and that you can get ahead in life by working hard, which is, like I said, the American dream.   America is based on freedoms, not the government controlling everything.  Americans prioritize individual liberty, whereas European countries want more government control.  

If college were free, then what would be the benefits of working hard in high school to get into a good college and what would prevent students from just becoming professional students?  

The United States is also MUCH more unhealthy than Europe, making healthcare not as big of an expense.   

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RE: Does Bernie Know Dems Need A Miracle? - BFritz21 - 02-26-2020, 07:14 PM

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