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Democrats Get To Choose Between.......
Conversation at work this morning with two co-workers, both women, one 64, the other 55.
Me: Well it looks like Biden will be the nominee, what is his message to the under 30 crowd?
Them: Trump is bad.
Me: That message doesn’t work. You have to give them something to vote FOR not against. What’s plan B?
Them: Trump is bad.
Me: Okay, re-elect Trump it is, I guess.

They also pointed out, it’s okay if Biden is angry and yelling at voters and it’s not hypocrisy to not like Trump for being rude. Also, in regards to younger voters “it’s not their time, shut up and fall in line”. Cable news rots the brain.

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RE: Democrats Get To Choose Between....... - Yojimbo - 03-11-2020, 04:14 PM

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