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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
(03-09-2020, 02:52 PM)Stewy Wrote: I got Outer Worlds for Christmas.  Played through it twice.

The combat is funny.  It is SO limited in what you can do yourself.  You have no abilities, but you can control your companions abilities.  However, the combat is so satisfying that I was halfway through my second play-through before I clearly realized, all one can do is shoot or melee the entire game.

One of the few games I've played where companions not only don't suck, but are almost essential.

Can't wait for the sequel/add on/expansion/DLC.

Currently and finally getting around to playing Witcher 3.  Tried to start it at least 6-8 times and never got past White Orchard.  Wow is this game huge and beautiful.  But that is the least of the good in this game.  

To me the quest system is the best I've every experienced.  I've done dozens of quests, side, contracts, treasure hunts and only rarely does one feel like a quest mechanic has been repeated aside from Monster Hunts.  But still they did such a great job of using the Witcher Senses to even make monster hunts seem varied.

I'm level 23 and enjoying every minute.  I can see now why it's called the greatest RPG of all time by so many.

Sidestep Dodge + Alternaive Quen + Yrden Traps
fun fun fun

Didn't find out about alternative sign usage until like level 21 (hangs head in shame).....would have made my early game much easier.

nice witcher 3 is still something I need to get too..

Running thru DOOM 2016 again right now cleaning up anything I missed before eternal drops next week.

My Backlog Of Epic RPGs is growing.. Soon ill have to take the plunge.

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RE: What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - XenoMorph - 03-12-2020, 12:02 PM

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