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Will Coronavirus Put USA On Top?
Honestly I'd love to see the president prove his detractors wrong and act like a grown up to do what needs to be done. You know, maybe think of something other than attacking adversaries or glorifying himself for just once. I'm afraid he's just not capable of it at this point. He just doesn't know how important it is to show the people he presides over that he has a steady and even temper that can weather the crisis.

It's not totally his fault. He was given so much through inheritance that he has no idea what most go through to make something of their lives. All he's ever had to do is throw tantrums and bully subordinates to get deals done, and even then he's been a massive failure on several occasions.

Outside of his father, his mentor in publicity, Roy Cohn was one of the most raging bags of human feces ever to live. No moral fiber in his body and zero regard for law or ethics. He was a straight up closeted homosexual man that outed other homosexuals in order to publicly shame them for being gay. That's what made Trump. The cash daddy made and the tutelage of a wretched walking turd-crusted asshole. Once the image and bluster and pettiness are removed, he's got nothing to offer. A fake of the highest order.

Before him, Cheney was the right wing boogeyman of choice. Even so, if you know about the guys life, you can see a cunning, skill, mastery of policy, and work ethic that got him the power he wielded. Even if you hated him, there was something there to respect. He was a drunken loser that got his shit together, bided his time, and became very powerful. I see none of that with Trump. I can't believe people still buy into this guy being anything of substance.

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RE: Will Coronavirus Put USA On Top? - samhain - 04-04-2020, 11:42 PM

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