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It's insanity! The war on Christianity......
(10-16-2015, 08:47 AM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: Like I said, accept it or not, it's up to you.

Why would I "accept" it when the verses I highlighted show a contradiction?

Quote:If you really want to know any answer to any question about the Bible or Christianity, your best bet is to call up you local Baptist church and talk to a pastor.

Why would I need a pastor's spin when the verse wasn't at all difficult to comprehend?

Quote:A football message board isn't the place to seek answers to questions you may have. While there can be discussion and debate on different subjects on this message board, there is no way possible to be able to have a meaningful and in depth discussion here.

So are you saying the people who post to this subsection are intellectually incapable of answering what appears to be a pretty simple question?  They aren't capable of having "in-depth" discussions regarding politics and religion?  

Quote: I suspect that most here asking questions, starting threads and tossing out ridicule don't really want answers, they just want to make fun and troll.

I'm sincerely wanting an answer.  The question given the contrading verses seems like a legitimate one to ask.  

Quote:No one here will change another's mind. This subsection is nothing more than a giant troll. While it can be fun at times, it always turns into name calling, hyperbole, ridicule and disdain for each other. Seriously, just read the post two above yours to see what I mean.

I haven't called anyone a name.  I thought I asked a thoughtful legitimate question that it seems some would just rather not ponder.  

I wonder why?  

Messages In This Thread
RE: It's insanity! The war on Christianity...... - WhoDeyWho - 10-16-2015, 09:49 AM

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