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It's insanity! The war on Christianity......
Ok, well, I was going to just leave this be, but it seems as if bfine can't handle just admitting that he did something silly and moving on.

Listen dude, GHB just made one of the only points that needed to be made. If it really wasn't you, the conversation would have gone something like " Hey nerds, my cousin lives here and is a member too but he rarely posts" and then you could have ignored anyone supposedly trolling you after that.

That's not what happened though, you lost your mind and had a night long meltdown filled with all of the obvious "I've been caught" defenses. You make veiled threats, never actually denied being King Poster, threatened to leave the boards many times even though you're still here and everybody knows you aren't leaving, and the best is crying about some collusion and security breach when NONE of your personal information has ever been given out. Do you really think your IP is going to be private to even the mods and admins?? No, it's not. But nobody is giving your information away. Tons of message boards I've been on have outed alts, this isn't some brand new thing that happens. If you get caught with an alt, most websites ban you and all of your accounts immediately. You should be happy the worst that happened was a leak that you have your King Poster account.

My God man, just own it and stop being such a whining little brat. I don't know why, but I did expect better from you and never thought that you were so immature that you couldn't handle a situation like this happening. I guess a person isn't mature though having to make alts on a message board, whatever man. Don't act shocked when people aren't on your "side" when more people see all of this. You've acted like a complete child through this entire ordeal.

Messages In This Thread
RE: It's insanity! The war on Christianity...... - djs7685 - 10-17-2015, 08:52 AM

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