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For the 4th of July: Dogs and fireworks
So last year I mentioned this in another thread. The people in my neighborhood love their fireworks on the 4th. But really they start days before and through the entire holiday. I understand people wanting to celebrate with fireworks on the 4th. But as I stated before, in my area it gets rather excessive in my opinion and goes on for days and nights over the holiday weekend almost nonstop.

My dog suffers greatly due to this. He spends most of his time hiding in the basement and is afraid to go outside. I had planned to rent a cabin out in the middle of nowhere this year but that didn't work out. So this year I talked to my vet and they told me about a product called Sileo. It is a gel that comes in a syringe without a needle that you measure to the appropriate dose and put on the gums of your dog. Apparently it works by somehow blocking receptors that register the loud noises in the dog and causing a panic response. It doesn't make the dog deaf or anything like that and doesn't sedate them either.

It isn't cheap, at least for a dog as large as mine. One syringe that is enough for two doses for my dog cost $40. So when I took him in today for his vaccinations I bought 2 which should be enough to get through most of the weekend during the worst parts at night. Of course $80 is a lot cheaper than renting a cabin. :)

For those interested I'll update after the first time I use it this weekend on how well it works. My vet highly recommended it and having been a customer of theirs for the last few years I really trust them. Anyway, I thought I would share this for anyone else with dogs that have a hard time with fireworks.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ    Yeah

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For the 4th of July: Dogs and fireworks - George Cantstandya - 07-02-2020, 01:20 PM

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