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Huckabee: I Trust Bernie Sanders 'Like I Trust a North Korean Chef' With My Dog
There are comedians who can get away with somewhat racist jokes, but there are rules involved in order to make it funny>offensive. That's where the right-wingers go wrong. They don't get that just sitting there and saying Asians can't drive and blacks are lazy without any sense of irony, self-deprecation, parody etc. isn't funny, just offensive.

This is mostly because cons tend to be such black and white thinkers. Comedy really requires nuance.

Plus, let's not forget: we're not talking about a comedian here. This guy wants to be President while insulting a significant percentage of the population. It just doesn't cut it.

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RE: Huckabee: I Trust Bernie Sanders 'Like I Trust a North Korean Chef' With My Dog - GodHatesBengals - 10-19-2015, 08:27 PM

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