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Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity Accused of Sexual Misconduct in New Lawsuit
More stuff I am sure will be coming back up from Carlsons past

Tucker Carlson, the Fox News commentator with a primetime show and a history of vitriolic racist rants, is in the news again after the media watchdog group Media Matters unearthed recordings of him from the mid-aughts, in which Carlson calls into a radio shock jock program to make a series of luridly sexist assertions and racist asides, palling around with a host who goes by the moniker “Bubba the Love Sponge”.

n the recordings, Carlson says women are “like dogs”, claiming: “They’re extremely primitive, they’re basic, they’re not that hard to understand.” He insists that women find misogynist degradation pleasurable and makes sexual, antagonistic comments about women he does and does not like.

He calls Arianna Huffington “a pig”, Justice Elena Kagan “ugly” and “unattractive”, and Martha Stewart’s daughter, TV host Alexis Stewart, “cunty”. He says he “wants to ****” Sarah Palin and called for the elimination of rape shield laws, provisions that make it illegal for defense attorneys in rape cases to bring up an accuser’s sexual history as a way to discredit her. He laughs at a story about a woman being choked and calls Paris Hilton and Britney Spears “the biggest white whores in America”, a phrase that seems to imply that there are other, bigger “whores” who are not white.

What might be more revealing about the recordings are Carlson’s frequent, repeated and apparently unsolicited defenses of Warren Jeffs, the leader of a fundamentalist Mormon sect that practiced polygamy and ritualized child molestation. “I should make the laws around here,” Carlson says when the conversation turns to Jeffs, who recorded himself raping a 12-year-old girl and telling her to “feel the spirit of God”. “Warren Jeffs would be out on the street.” He also suggests that polygamy should be legal, and calls the then-ongoing criminal charges against Jeffs – who is currently serving a life sentence – “bullshit”. Child marriage is different and less severe than stranger rape, Carlson asserts, because “the rapist made a lifelong commitment” to “take care of the person”.

In another exchange, Bubba and his cohost chide Carlson for sending his daughter to a boarding school, saying that she will probably be sexually experimenting there with other girls. “Well when she’s in a dormitory-type setting and these little girls start to experiment around,” Bubba begins. “If it weren’t my daughter I would love that scenario,” Carlson replies. In the same interview, he says that his daughter is 14.

But the best part was that Tucker refused to apologize for those comments. Like Trump, he obviously knew his supporters agreed with him. That is just the way "real men" talk. Check out his response. . .

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RE: Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity Accused of Sexual Misconduct in New Lawsuit - fredtoast - 07-22-2020, 02:40 PM

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