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EPA Destroys Water Quality Records, Deceives Archivist
(08-10-2020, 11:43 AM)Dill Wrote: One big part of the "leftist narrative," so far as I grasp it, is that corporations run the U.S. because politicians rely on their campaign donations to get elected and re-elected. So our elected really come to represent those big donor's interests, and not the ordinary folks who elect them.

If the "leftists" are correct, then it would make sense that EPA is a special target of those corporate interests, given its potential to impose regulatory costs on many industries. That is, we might expect it to pay EPA officials to look the other way, or to challenge and dilute its regulation through control of members of Congress.

Your links, which are not hidden by Google, seem to be mostly about that sort of corruption--i.e., about how the extraction lobby and the auto industry have captured the government agency created to monitor them, bit by bit. 

Also, the FOIA requests and other complaints in your links appear to be lodged primarily either by "leftist" environmental groups like NC Warn, who want the EPA to do its job, or fronts for the Extraction Lobby and the auto industry, like Global Warming. org., whose goal, among other things, is to convince Congress and voters that auto emissions regulations are arbitrary and unfair.

From what I can tell from you links, though, the "worst years" of the EPA for the extraction industry were under Obama, who sought greater environmental protections and regulation of emissions. Trump would likely agree.

I am puzzled that your response to lack of transparency and apparent industry capture of this agency is not to root out the corruption but to get rid of agency itself. You seem to be saying we could get along without environmental regulation altogether. You don't think more Love canals would follow, nuclear accidents, the return of acid rain?

Actually those articles are buried by Google and much harder to find by using them. They are top results for other search engines. As are many other topics that dont fit the narrative. Dont get me wrong I was raised a democrat by life long democrats, but what is going on with news suppression is undeniable. I just cant see how anyone cant see that. Its as plain as the sun rising.

That is a small sample size. There are articles dated back to the early 80's if you really go down the rabbit hole. But for me, what I see with my own eyes is enough. Ive dealt with them, or tried to. They are just as money and power hungry as the worst of them. Most gov agencies somehow become like that though. You asked for examples and you got it. A little ny times article about orange man bad isnt changing anything for me. The NY Times has had to retract a lot of fake stories in the last handful of years. They used to be one of my fav. They should change their name to the DNC Press Club nowadays. Partisanship is killing the nation and diving people.

I supported Obama. But I'm willing to admit when someone I liked was a total fraud and failure, and willing to admit someone I didnt like is doing better than I expected. I dont tote any party line, and am largely non partisan after Obama especially. My mind is open to all of them now. I would honestly like to see Trump defund the EPA entirely. It would be a lot of money savings for a country with a lot of struggling people. Not just the EPA but the corruption within most gov agencies is so bad, without it, we could have healthcare for all and wipe everyones student loans out to boot. But sadly, too many people want to prop these agencies up and ask for MORE of it. More? More government corruption? The more power we give them, the more they take. It needs to be stopped from top to bottom and on all sides of the political aisle.

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RE: EPA Destroys Water Quality Records, Deceives Archivist - bengaloo - 08-10-2020, 01:00 PM

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