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Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar
The family followed the money.

Not a big fan of Qatar at all, but noit sure what I would do in their situation. You have to remember that this "fake bomb" was just the final incident in a long list of problems. Their town of Irving was obviously having problems with Muslims. Back in February the Mayor posted inflammatory remarks regarding how "Sharia Law Courts are not authorized in the City of Irving" and then backed a grandstanding anti-Sharia bill in the state legislature that forbid family law judges from using "foreign law" in making their decisions. This was all in response to an Iman acting as a mediator in a dispute between church members. Pretty much all religions have similar tribunals that apply church rules to members behavior. There was never any suggestion that this was a court of any kind or that its rulings would carry any legal weight. But Sharia Law remains one of the major tools of the Muslim fear mongers.

Then in April the mosque in Irving received extra police security based on several phone calls and an incident of a person filming the members entering the mosque.

So I am pretty sure the family did not feel very welcome in this atmosphere. They claim that there were several incidents of anti-Muslim bullying at the school. I do not know if they are true or not, but based on what a lot of adults in the town were saying I would not doubt that a lot of kids held the same views.

So who can blame them for getting paid well to get out of a situation where they felt unwelcome and possibly even afraid?

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RE: Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar - fredtoast - 10-21-2015, 02:12 PM

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