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Republican National Convention(s)
Anyone else watching?

I just heard Charlie Kirk affirm Trump is a "defender of Western Civilization."   Yow! Shocked

Now I am listening to Rebecca Friedrichs, a CA teacher.  She says Unions pick on loving teachers and children. Spit on them too.

Matt Gaetz says Dems will invite MS 13 to live next door. "We own the stars!"

In this party people are selected because they are the best person for the job, not because of their race.  Can't wait to get the print versions of some of these speeches.

WHO, Fauci and other world leaders got COVID wrong. But one towering world leader got it right, according to a campaign video. His quick action saved thousands of lives.  LOL Now Rachel breaks in with a "reality check" from an angry Dr. Vin Gupta. 

"CHINA VIRUS" Trump chats with healthcare workers. All helping make the CHINA VIRUS go away.

Anyway, there'll be two conventions this week, as the Republican party splits between conservatives and Trumpists.

Republicans are putting on two conventions this week. One of them will be sane.

The Republican Party revealed its descent into a cult of personality by declaring on Sunday that it would have no party platform at its convention this week, only a pledge of complete loyalty to President Trump.* The party proclaimed in a resolution that “The [Republican National Committee] enthusiastically supports President Trump and continues to reject the policy positions of the Obama-Biden Administration, as well as those espoused by the Democratic National Committee today … [and that] the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda.” Any platform would be ruled “out of order,” according to the resolution. It is quite a confession of intellectual vacuity.

The document also effectively puts the party on record supporting all of Trump’s loony ideas about the “deep state," his denial of Russian interference in the election, his defense of Confederate imagery, his opposition to legal immigration, his insistence that there is nothing wrong with extorting an ally to fabricate dirt on a political rival, his hawking of phony cures for the novel coronavirus, his animosity toward NATO, his embrace of trade wars and his reckless attacks on democratic norms and institutions. It is a party that welcomes QAnon support — because Trump does. It is a party that approves of abusive policing (“Don’t be too nice” when putting suspects in the police car, he told a room of law enforcement officials) and China’s Uighur detention camps — because Trump does.

You can understand why the party would not want to spell all that out in a platform. You can also understand why “Republican ideas” is an oxymoron and “conservatism” has lost all meaning.

There are, however, some green shoots sprouting on the center-right. This week, Never Trump groups will hold a “Convention on Founding Principles," running as counter-programming to the Republican convention
. The event, put on by Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn’s Stand Up Republic and the eclectic think tank, the Niskanen Center, promises to have “speakers, thinkers and leaders from across the country who share our commitment to founding principles and political renewal in America. Delegates will present, deliberate and ratify organizing principles, vote for preferred candidates, and plan future actions.” Thousands of disaffected Republicans are expected to participate. It will be live-streamed and available for viewing on Facebook and YouTube.

*Fuehrereid already! Lol
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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Republican National Convention(s) - Dill - 08-24-2020, 09:53 PM

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