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Republican National Convention(s)
So, seeing the convention and it's lineup of family and trophy wives du jour/girlfriends that weren't good enough for Gavin Newsome, can anyone really argue that the GOP isn't dead? It's all Trump and will be even if he loses. Let's go ahead and remember this should all of the distancincing and selective memory come about if/when he's voted out and the GOP tries to purge his stupidity from it's mental rolodex. It's not conservatism. They and most of their voters went all in on authoritarian populism, and were backed up by the great majority of their elected officials. They killed their own party for a 4-year lib-smashing MAGA bender. They are now the Trump/Qanon party, and where they go one they go all, and that includes straight into the toilet if it plays out that way. Don't forget it.

Messages In This Thread
Republican National Convention(s) - Dill - 08-24-2020, 09:53 PM
RE: Republican National Convention(s) - samhain - 08-25-2020, 03:09 PM

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