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Republican National Convention(s)

Quote:Fox News’ Chris Wallace Pans Trump Speech as ‘Surprisingly Flat’ With ‘Lack of Fireworks’: ‘It Was Far Too Long’

By Josh FeldmanAug 28th, 2020, 12:03 am

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said Thursday night that while President Donald Trump’s RNC convention speech had some effective lines, it was “surprisingly flat.”

“There were impressive fireworks on the mall. But I have to say I was surprised at the lack of fireworks in the president’s speech tonight,” he said. “First of all, it was far too long. 70 minutes exactly. I thought at times it felt like more a State of the Union speech, like a campaign speech.”

Wallace noted some of Trump’s notable attack lines against Joe Biden, but added, “I have to say, in his delivery, again, I thought the president — who we have seen really turn on a crowd — was surprisingly flat and didn’t seem to have the bite that he usually does have in his speeches. I agree with you. He laid out an ambitious plan for a second term, ten million jobs in ten months. Bringing medical supply chains back to the United States. Dealing with pre-existing conditions, though we have to point out he hasn’t done that in his first term.”

He also took note of how there was no social distancing at the White House event, “very few with masks… ignoring all of the public health recommendations.”

Brit Hume had some praise for Trump’s speech, while agreeing with Wallace that it was a little too long.

“Chris has a point, the speech was very, very long,” Hume said. “And he was as Chris suggests I think a little flat.”
You can watch above, via Fox News.
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Republican National Convention(s) - Dill - 08-24-2020, 09:53 PM
RE: Republican National Convention(s) - GMDino - 08-28-2020, 03:14 PM

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