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Why are the riots different this time?
For many years we have had racially charged incidents that have led to rioting. 1980 in Miami, 1992 in Los Angeles (Rodney King), 2001 in Cincinnati, 2014 in Ferguson (nationwide) after the Michal Brown killing. But they have all died down after a while and things went back to "normal". So why have the current riots been going non-stop for months?

Lots of people want to blame the media, but the media has always been infatuated with rioting and gave them heavy coverage.

In my opinion the biggest difference is that we currently have a President who is the darling of white nationalist and white supremacists. His supporters will argue that he is not racists, but unfortunately minorities have seen a lot of evidence to the contrary. I don't know if Trump personally dislikes minorities, but he is clearly courting the racist vote.

-He welcomes the Confederate Battle Flag at his rallies.

-He originally lied about his relationship with KKK Grand Wizard David Duke. Duke is a huge Trump supporter.

-When talking about Mexican immigrants Trump claimed that they were all the bad people that Mexico wanted to get rid of. “When Mexico sends its people, They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

-He said that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel would not rule fairly because his parents were from Mexico.

-He called Colin Kaepernick a "son of a *****" and said he should lose his job for exercising his Constitutional rights to protest against racial injustice.

-He claimed there were "good people" in the Unite the Right crowd that marched through Charlottesville chanting "Blood and soil"

-White nationalists went wild when he told 3 women of color who were born and raised in the United States to go back to "the countries they came from". I am not aware of any sitting President who ever so clearly supported the main tenet of white nationalism. Their entire belief system is based on the belief that even people of color who are born and raised in the United States don't belong in "White America".

-He retweeted a video of a Trump supporter yelling "White power".

-He is doubling down on defending the legacy of the Confederate States who fought a war to defend the institution of slavery.

So i don't see any way these riots slack off any until Biden has been elected. Minorities are just too terrified of the prospect of having a President who is so beloved by white supremacists and white nationalist. And they have seen that he will use his power against peaceful protestors for even the smallest whim like a publicity photo in front of a church. Not to protect the country or carry on official business of the Presidency, but simply to do do something 100% self-serving to help him get re-elected.

Messages In This Thread
Why are the riots different this time? - fredtoast - 08-31-2020, 02:47 PM

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