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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(08-31-2020, 09:08 PM)Von Cichlid Wrote: What more of a response do you want?  

We've tested more than almost any country out there.

We've given every unemployed person an extra 2400 a month for 5 months.  What other nation of 330,000,000 is doing that?  Would $4800 had done the trick?

Fact of the matter is that people are running away in droves from the big cities who made the heavy handed response like you Dems are asking for.  

We have more deaths than any country out there.  

Yeah, asking you to wear a face covering is practically quartering Red Coats in your house against your will.

(08-31-2020, 10:06 PM)jason Wrote: Maybe he could've lead by example. He disregarded every guideline the experts put out. Maybe he could have been consistent. Maybe he could have coordinated a federal response. Maybe he could not push quack cures. Maybe he could not try to discredit the top infectious disease expert in the country. Maybe he could've stayed outta the governors' business if he was gonna leave it up to them... Liberate Michigan. 

Jason beat me too it, but not wasting two months reaction time pretending it was a MSM and Democrat hoax would have been nice.  Following advice that travel bands aren't effective, but testing, contact tracing and quarantining proven to be more effective would have been nice as well.  Instead of relying on the CDC to develop and manufacture a test for months, they could have approved commercially available tests they eventually used.  Hell, just not spreading misinformation would have been a plus.

But, providing guidance and coordination on a national/federal level is important and a responsibility Trump totally abdicated except for his failed travel ban which wasn't a travel ban.  Since you were infantry, let's put this in infantry terms.  If a company commander is conducting a raid does he provide the platoons with guidance and coordination? Or do all the squad leaders try to figure it all out on their own?  It's the former, but Trump's response was the latter.

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RE: Coronavirus Information...who do you trust? - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 09-01-2020, 12:05 AM

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