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Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar
djs7685 Wrote:Yep, the entire "I can say things that will obviously offend hundreds of thousands of people but you can't say a word about me personally" is ridiculous.

Also amusing how the guy that posts snarky one liners, rarely with any substance whatsoever, seems to be the most adamant person on the boards on "focus on the post and not the poster". Well guess what? The poster is MAKING the post, and this is a subforum dealing with political and religious opinions. The poster has as much to do with it as the post's substance in some arguments (especially when the post has zero substance, then what are we supposed to comment on??). Things that each person has said in the past can greatly affect the outcome of a discussion on a given topic.

Lucie is a lot easier to deal with once you realize that he's saying a lot of the stuff he does for shock value and to get people riled up purposely. IMO, he should be told to stop that though, I've asked him in the past to refrain from the racial slurs but he's welcome to his opinions, and he did actually stop for a short period of time. He's back to calling entire nations "savages" and whatnot though, and it's ridiculous to say that it shouldn't be called out.

Between some people not helping themselves from having alts to others using offensive slurs, it seems that the "omg stop attacking me" is coming from the side that very well deserves their personalities to be questioned. If you notice, Patrick doesn't have to cry for people to stop attacking him, and that's because he isn't doing something ridiculous that puts his character into question. Those that regularly get "attacked" should maybe take note and think that they're the common denominator and that maybe, just MAYBE they're doing something they should refrain from doing. Snarky one liners and racial slurs are a quick way to get "attacked". Either realize that or don't and keep playing the victim, I can't force anyone to understand these things.

Good post.

One of the problems is that the concept of an ad hominem attack is something that bfine specifically doesn't seem to actually understand. Correctly pointing out the fact that he got caught using an alt is not in and of its self a fallacy. Now, if bfine said "The grass is green", and I responded by saying "Bfine is wrong that the grass is green because he uses an alt", then that would be an hominem fallacy. But of course, I've done nothing of the sort, and I don't think anybody else has either.

Also, great point about having nothing else to discuss but personality when somebody doesn't post anything of substance. Posts that are nothing but one-liners saying things like "When did I specifically, exactly, word-for-word say precisely what you just didn't even claim I said?" are pretty much begging for somebody to point out that you're being dim.

If you want someone to argue a point with you, you have to actually make one first, something bfine/King Poster rarely if ever did.

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RE: Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar - GodHatesBengals - 10-22-2015, 10:01 AM

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