Poll: Did Trump do right thing by lying?
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Did Trump do the right thing when he lied about the coronavirus?
Before the virus hit our nation's economy was booming like never before, 401k's at all time highs, unemployment (especially for blacks) at all time lows, jobs (that Obama claimed you'd need a magic wand to bring back to the U.S.) increasing, and that's just to name a few. Before Trump our economy was crap. Even with Covid still going on he's getting things back to the way they were pre-covid. Like him, hate him, or whatever he's the best man to get the economy back. Especially compared to a lifetime politician who's accomplished nothing in almost 50 years of government service other than being VP during the time our economy went to crap when there was no virus like Covid.

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RE: Did Trump do the right thing when he lied about the coronavirus? - Mer - 09-10-2020, 02:31 PM

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