Poll: Anthem before all public entertainment
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Displays of patriotism at public entertainment.
Sorry if it’s been mentioned; I’ve heard that in other countries, you don’t really see displays of nationalism ie people don’t generally hang German flags or the British jack in or around their home like you see in America.

On a broader scale and to say hi to you Fred, you’ve got to see that propaganda is at play here.

What interest does the nfl have in bringing America to Americans? It makes no sense- for any practical purpose for the nfl to propagate America- because it has diverse issues that can be used as a wedge. What could possibly be appealing about this to the NFL if as they’ve said, their mission is to grow/unite. It’s counter intuitive from the NFL’s perspective, but not from the governments § probably (and I’m spit balling here) because (the gov) has offerEd them a sweet anti trust deal or some shit that’s above my limited sense of reality, really.
The entertainments version of a quid pro quo with the govt, if you will § probably most definitely not the only one... by a long shot.

Yes buddy, I’m saying it’s a conspiracy!!!
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-

Messages In This Thread
RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - Devils Advocate - 09-12-2020, 08:25 AM

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